2.0 System, Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier MR3
2.0 Monitor SpeakerFEATURE
2.0 Monitor Speaker System- 52Hz 至 40kHz 的平坦響應,真實再現細節和細微差別
- 18W*2 (RMS) 總輸出功率和高達 92.5dB (@1m) 的聲壓級,適合近場聆聽效果也夠強大,足以填滿一個中等大小的房間
- 高解析度音訊經過德州儀器 (TI) 高性能 ADC 和放大器認證,支援 24bit/96kHz 高解析度音訊處理
- 後旋鈕和手機App提供多種房間補償設置,以適應不同的需求房間模式並實現最佳聆聽體驗
- MDF箱體有效減少失真和共振
- Balanced TRS輸入可用於低雜訊等級的訊號傳輸與音訊製作設備和樂器的輕鬆連接
- RCA 和 AUX 輸入可同時連接更多音訊設備 • 前面板提供耳機輸出插座
- Bluetooth V5.4音訊接收器,連線穩定,傳輸率高碼率並支援多點連接
- 前面板上的多功能旋鈕,用於開關機、音量調節、音效開關
- EDIFIER ConneX App 搭配使用,實現音效切換、EQ 客製化、房間補償設定
SKU: Edifier MR3 -
Bluetooth Headphones, Ear Speaker, Edifier, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, STAX, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Bluetooth Headphones, Ear Speaker, Edifier, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, STAX, 聖誕季「Christmas season」Edifier STAX SPIRIT S10
- 12mm 直徑平面磁吸驅動, 音域寬廣, 快速響應
- 第二代 EqualMass™ 布線專利技術, 將聲音失真解至更低
- 2μm 聚合物基板, 總厚度僅10μm, 非凡卓越的瞬態響應
- NeoBuds Planar 支援 Snapdragon Sound™ 技術,可提供優質、身臨其境的音訊體驗
- 金標認證, 最高支援 96kHz@24bit
- 3 Microphone AI 開啟抑制環境噪音
- Qualcomm® aptX™ Voice 即使在吵雜的環境中也能實現清晰的免持通話
- Qualcomm® QCC5181 芯片, Bluetooth V5.4, 提高品質和環境噪音抑制
- Hi-Res Wireless Audio 認證, LHDC, LDAC & 更多高清解碼
- aptX™ Adaptive Hybrid ANC 混合主動降噪
- 充電15分鐘, 使用2小時, 總28h 強勁使用時長
- 89ms 超低延遲, 帶來遊戲好體驗
- EDIFIER ConneX App 個人化聆聽風格並自訂控制
- IP54 認證, 防塵防水
- 7 副耳塞貼合您的耳朵, 方便更換
SKU: 6923520248100 -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, On-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, On-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」Edifier STAX SPIRIT S5
- 平面振膜建構於 2μm 聚合物基板上,確保良好的瞬態響應,實現細膩的聲音再現。
- 第二代 EqualMass™ 佈線技術平衡了磁場的不均勻分佈,並在振膜上實現了均勻的重量分佈,從而使振膜的所有部分都具有相同的動量。透過添加對稱支撐佈線,振膜比上一代更穩定,可以在整個音頻上實現類似活塞的運動。
- 採用 Qualcomm® QCC5181 Bluetooth® 音訊 SoC 構建,支援 Snapdragon Sound™ 技術套件,提供優質、身臨其境的音訊體驗。
- 支援多種高音質編解碼器:aptX™、aptX™ Adaptive、aptX™ Lossless、aptX™ HD、Snapdragon sound™、LDAC、LHDC、Hi-Res音訊、Hi-Res無線認證。
- 約80小時的電池使用時長,讓您超長時間享受不間斷的音樂。
- 採用 Qualcomm aptX™ 語音技術的雙 Microphone 通話降噪功能,即使在吵雜的環境中也能實現清晰的免提通話語音清晰。
- Bluetooth® V5.4 可實現無縫音訊串流和穩定連接。
- 支援多點連接,允許同時在2個不同裝置上的音樂、視訊和通話之間即時切換。
- 透過EDIFIER ConneX App 個人化聆聽風格並自訂控制。
- 遊戲模式下端對端延遲低至 89ms。
- 與 EDIFIER ConneX App 相容以實現附加功能:個人化控制設定、選擇預設均衡器等。
- 親膚仿蛋白皮革讓耳墊超級柔軟,確保全天舒適配戴。
- 鋼製頭帶設計確保配戴較穩定, 完全折疊式設計,攜帶方便。
- 多種輸入: 藍牙、USB-C、AUX
SKU: 6923520247677 -
2.0 System, Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, USB Speaker, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier D32
- 桌面型藍牙喇叭
- 30W+15W*2 (RMS) 總輸出功率,採用 D 類 TI 數位放大器晶片
- 雙 1 吋 (25 mm) 絲絹膜高音喇叭 和 4 吋 (116 mm) 複合羊毛盆中低音喇叭
- 全數碼訊號處理、雙向主動分頻與動態範圍控制
- 雙低音反射通道帶來強勁低音
- 12mm厚的MDF箱體,減少失真和共振
- 高解析度音訊無線傳輸
- WiFi 連線(Apple iPhone、iPad、Apple TV 和裝有 iTunes 的電腦)
- 5GHz 與 2.4GHz 雙頻 WiFi 模組
- Apple AirPlay2 搭配使用
- 將一個或多個 D32 喇叭組合成一個能多房間的音樂系統
- 支援 AAC 和 ALAC 編解碼器
- 內置 7.4V/5200mAh 大容量鋰電池,11小時不間斷播放
- 顏色:黑胡桃 / 咖啡色 / 白色
SKU: Edifier D32 -
2.0 System, Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, USB Speaker, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier QR65
- 140W (RMS) 輸出組合喇叭
- Maze Tube迷宮倒相系統
- Hi-Res雙金標認證
- LADC高解碼高清技術, 高達900Kbps音頻傳輸
- 1.25英寸高音+2.75英寸中低音
- 光聲學三腔獨立, TurbMuff湍流抑制技術
- MDF全木質箱體, 有效降低聲音諧振
- 提供 SUB OUT 低音輸出
- 11種藝術燈效, 1680萬種顏色可調
- TurboGaN氮化鎵高能快充科技
- 65W快充技術:2個USB-C+1個USB-A插頭
- 三種連接方式: AUX / USB / 藍牙V5.3
- Edifier ConneX APP 控制
- 黑白兩色 隨意選擇
SKU: Edifier QR65 -
Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, Edifier 流動擴音機, Portable Speaker, USB Speaker, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier PK705 手提便擕式藍牙喇叭 (國內版)
Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, Edifier 流動擴音機, Portable Speaker, USB Speaker, 聖誕季「Christmas season」Edifier PK705 手提便擕式藍牙喇叭 (國內版)
- 70W大功率輸出, 震憾聲壓
- 專業DSP數碼分頻, K歌音效
- 5.25英寸中低音+2英寸高音喇叭
- 整機重量不足3.4KG, 體積小巧
- 6種不同燈光模式, 隨音樂閃爍
- USB具備反向供電功能
- 4節2000mAh大容量鋰電池, 使用時間更長久
- MicroPhone LED高清顯示屏
- 多種AUDIO輸入, USB、AUX、Bluetooth5.0
SKU: 6923520215638 -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier NeoBuds Pro2
真無線降噪耳機Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」Edifier NeoBuds Pro2
- 真無線降噪耳機
- 空間音頻, 頭部追蹤
- Bluetooth V5.3
- 多通道寬頻降噪, 比安靜更安靜
- 專利數碼分頻, 聲音更均衡
- 全球首款 “臻品音質”, 支援192k/24bit編解碼
- Hi-Res Wireless, 支援96kHz/24bit編解碼
- 4+4 Mic AI通話降噪, 抗風噪, 全方位清晰
- IP54 級防塵防水, 認真呵護
- 高效快充, 使用時間 22小時, 告別電量焦慮
- 7副耳套, 耳洞大小概不辜負
- Edifier Connect App, APP 自定義
- Google 快速配對, 輕鬆連接你的Android設備
- 顏 色: 曜夜黑 / 珍珠色
SKU: NeoBuds Pro2 -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, Edifier 電競遊戲系列, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」
Edifier GX05 Gaming Earbuds
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, Edifier 電競遊戲系列, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, 聖誕季「Christmas season」Edifier GX05 Gaming Earbuds
- 超低延遲雙無線電競耳機
- 雙無線模式, Bluetooth / 2.4GHz 雙設備同時連接
- 2.4GHz FlashSpeed技術, 15ms職業級超低延遲
- 全金屬賽博機械, 鋅合金機身材質
- LHDC5.0 編碼器, Hi-Res Wireless 小金標認證, 純正音質
- 「幻影」RGB燈效, 11種燈效切換
- 2C快速充電, 單次4.5小時充電, 總使用時間16小時
- ENC 智能降噪, 高清通話, 清晰無雜音
SKU: 6923520246823
Case, GAMEMAX, 特價產品
GAMEMAX Infinity ATX White Case
GameMax Infinity ATX PC Case, Gaming PC Case with 2*Tempered Glass
transparent gaming case, Bigger in every way a mighty powerful chassis. Modular design flexibility for any configuration
⚡ [2 Tempered glass]– Infinity gaming case is equipped 2 * 3mm thick tempered glass, which can clearly see the RGB lighting and the components in the building, Creating a good gaming atmosphere.
⚡ richer drives.
⚡ spacious for multiple and bigger components.
⚡ Seamlessly supporting ATX motherboards lighting sync front panel addressable RGB.
⚡ Tempered Glass on the Front, and Left Side.SKU: 6931858775342 -
特價產品, GAMEMAX, Case
GAMEMAX Infinity ATX Black Case
GameMax Infinity ATX PC Case, Gaming PC Case with 2*Tempered Glass
transparent gaming case, Bigger in every way a mighty powerful chassis. Modular design flexibility for any configuration
⚡ [2 Tempered glass]– Infinity gaming case is equipped 2 * 3mm thick tempered glass, which can clearly see the RGB lighting and the components in the building, Creating a good gaming atmosphere.
⚡ richer drives.
⚡ spacious for multiple and bigger components.
⚡ Seamlessly supporting ATX motherboards lighting sync front panel addressable RGB.
⚡ Tempered Glass on the Front, and Left Side.SKU: 6931858775335 -
Case, GAMEMAX, 特價產品
GAMEMAX Infinity Mini White Case
GameMax Infinity mini PC Case Supports Fix 7 ARGB Fans, Gaming PC Mini Case with 2*Tempered Glass
⚡[2 Tempered glass]– Infinity Mini gaming case is equipped 2 * 3mm thick tempered glass, which can clearly see the RGB lighting and the components in the building, Creating a good gaming atmosphere.
⚡[I/O Panel]– 2 x USB2.0 Port, 1 x USB3.0 Port, 1 x HD Audio, Reset Button, Power Button.
⚡[Cable Management]– Back Bays: 1x 3.5” HDDs and 1 x 2.5” SSD’s. Removable storage cable box; Designed with reasonable back routing hole.
⚡[Remarkable Expansion]– Mini Tower Gaming Computer Case supports Flex-ATX/Mini-ITX motherboards.SKU: 6931858775366 -
Case, GAMEMAX, 特價產品
GAMEMAX Infinity Mini Black Case
GameMax Infinity mini PC Case Supports Fix 7 ARGB Fans, Gaming PC Mini Case with 2*Tempered Glass
⚡[2 Tempered glass]– Infinity Mini gaming case is equipped 2 * 3mm thick tempered glass, which can clearly see the RGB lighting and the components in the building, Creating a good gaming atmosphere.
⚡[I/O Panel]– 2 x USB2.0 Port, 1 x USB3.0 Port, 1 x HD Audio, Reset Button, Power Button.
⚡[Cable Management]– Back Bays: 1x 3.5” HDDs and 1 x 2.5” SSD’s. Removable storage cable box; Designed with reasonable back routing hole.
⚡[Remarkable Expansion]– Mini Tower Gaming Computer Case supports Flex-ATX/Mini-ITX motherboards.SKU: 6931858775359 -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, In-Ear Headphones, 最新產品
Edifier NewBuds Plus
真無線降噪藍牙耳機- Knowles 平衡電樞驅動器和 10mm 動態驅動器將數碼訊號處理與主動分頻器結合,創造出低音、中音和高音的均衡混合。
- 擁有 Hi-Res Audio Wireless 認證的沉浸式聲音。
- 支援高清編解碼:LDAC、LHDC 5.0、AAC
- 採用AI演算法拾音技術,每隻耳機配備3個波束成形Mics,確保免提通話清晰有效率。
- 高達-48dB的降噪深度,增強降噪體驗。
- 可調式噪音控制設定(高/中/低/環境聲/風噪),以針對不同環境客製化音訊。
- Bluetooth V5.4 可實現無縫音訊串流和穩定的連接。
- 支援多點連接,允許同時在兩個不同的裝置上即時切換音樂、視訊和通話。
- 總計47(11+36)小時超長續航力。
- 支援快速充電,充電 15 分鐘即可播放 4 小時。
- 支援便利的無線充電技術。
- 遊戲模式下 80ms 低延遲,將您的音訊與您在螢幕上看到的動作同步。
- 可自訂和預設 EQ(古典、搖滾、聲樂),可透過 EDIFIER ConneX App 自訂控制。
- 8 種顏色的光帶選項可增強個人化體驗。
- 捏合控制,簡單且防止意外觸碰。
- 配戴偵測可實現自動暫停/播放音樂。
- 經過 IP54 認證,適合日常使用。
- 7 對耳塞適合耳朵。
- 顏 色: 黑色 / 星光白
SKU: Edifier NewBuds Plus -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, On-Ear Headphones
Edifier ES850NB
Over-Ear Headphones- 透過Hi-Res Audio 和Hi-Res Audio Wireless 認證的沉浸式音效。
- 40mm 動態大動圈,搭配鈦塗層複合膜片。
- 支援LDAC/AAC/SBC 編解碼器。
- 升級的噪音消除系統提供高達-45dB 的ANC 深度,隔離不必要的噪音。
- 多種降噪模式可供選擇,適應各種場景。
- ANC 關閉時可連續播放約 90~95 小時。
- 支援快速充電。
- 內建 Mircophone 採用人工智慧降噪技術,確保通話清晰。
- 親膚仿蛋白皮革使耳墊超柔軟,確保全天佩戴。
- 完全折疊式設計,攜帶方便。
- Bluetooth V5.4 可實現無縫音訊串流和穩定連接。
- 支援多點連接,可在2個裝置之間即時切換音樂、視訊和通話,同時使用不同的設備。
- EDIFIER ConneX App 相容以實現附加功能:個人化控制設定、選擇預設均衡器等。
- 多種輸入: Bluetooth、USB-C
SKU: Edifier ES850NB -
Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, Edifier 流動擴音機, 最新產品
Edifier PP203
- 內建2400mAh防火鋰電池,安全可靠,使用時長長達5小時。
- 雙喇叭設計,4吋全頻喇叭,音質通透,強勁有力。
- 支援有線OTG直播內錄,娛樂、音樂K哥一體化。
- 專業DSP聲學技術,美化聲音,小聲唱夠大聲。
- 2.4G無線Mic,傳輸穩定,不串頻,防嘯叫。
- EDIFIER 28年聲學經驗調試,音質音效更有保證。
- 外觀設計精美,精巧別緻,整機重量僅0.51KG,攜帶方便。
- 2.4G無線麥克風,可無線電自動掃描,位址對碼匹配,抗干擾能力強。
- 支援藍牙5.3,降低了功耗並提高了藍牙裝置的無線共存性。
SKU: Edifier PP203 -
Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, Edifier 流動擴音機, Portable Speaker, USB Speaker, 最新產品
Edifier PP205S
移動式便攜音箱 (雙MIC版)Bluetooth Speaker, Edifier, Edifier 流動擴音機, Portable Speaker, USB Speaker, 最新產品Edifier PP205S
移動式便攜音箱 (雙MIC版)FEATURE
- 30W峰值功率,聲音響透全場
- 4吋中低音+1吋高音,雙喇叭配置
- 心型指向U段無線麥,K歌、會議都合適
- DSP音訊處理技術,讓歌聲餘音繞梁
- 僅約1.4KG,如隨身精美小包的便攜設計
- 2顆2000mAh的大容量防火鋰電池包
- 前擋板仰角設計,穩固支撐手機與小平板
- 一鍵錄音與回放,相容於多種場景
- Bluetooth、Line In、TF、AUX、有線Microphone輸入
SKU: Edifier PP205S -
Bluetooth Headphones, Edifier, HeadSet, Open-ear Headphones, 最新產品
Edifier Comfo C
Open-ear HeadphonesFEATURE
- 開放耳夾式設計適合各種耳朵形狀和尺寸,確保不同使用者的舒適、安全貼合。
- 每個耳機均配備三軸感應器,可在任一隻耳朵中互換使用,提供最大的靈活性和便利性。
- 每個耳機僅重約 5.8 克,輕到您甚至可能忘記自己戴著它們。
- Φ12mm 大動圈配備鈦塗層複合膜片,可提供動態、細緻且強勁的聲音。
- 定向聲學技術,具有獨特的聲學結構,最大限度地減少聲音洩漏並提高音質。
- 一次充電即可享有 7.5 小時的電池,使用充電盒時電池使用時長總計 30 小時。
- 支援快速充電,充電 15 分鐘即可使用 2.5 小時。
- 內建降噪麥克風,採用AI降噪技術,確保您的免持通話清晰。
- Bluetooth V5.4 可實現無縫音訊串流和穩定連接。
- 支援多點連接,音樂、視訊、通話即時切換。
- 同時使用 2 個不同的設備。
- 配戴偵測、開啟/關閉耳機、自動音樂播放/暫停。
- 與 EDIFIER ConneX App 相容,可實現附加功能:個人化控制設定、自訂您的 EQ、尋找您的耳機等。
- IP55 防塵防水, 適合日常使用。
SKU: Edifier Comfo C
Cooling, CPU Liquid Cooler, GAMEMAX, 最新產品
GAMEMAX IceBurg 360 Digital WH
Liquid CoolerFEATURE
GameMax IceBurg 360V Digital WH, Liquid CPU Cooler 360mm Addressable ARGB Pump Fans 290W TDP AIO Water Cooler
⚡ All-White Elegance: Seamless one-piece design for a clean, aesthetic look.
⚡ ARGB Sync: Customizable ARGB lighting syncs with your motherboard for vibrant illumination.
⚡ Intelligent PWM Fans: Auto-adjusts fan speed for optimal cooling and reduced noise.
⚡ Superior Cooling: Efficient cold plate, copper base, and optimized fans ensure excellent heat transfer.
⚡ Wide Compatibility: Supports various Intel and AMD CPU sockets for broad system compatibility.SKU: 6931858791564 -
⚡ 1250W 80 Plus Platinum ATX3.1 PCIe5.1 power supply with PCIe5.1 12V-2*6 connector for direct RTX™ 40 Series GPU connection, minimizing current loss.
⚡ ATX3.1 & PCIe5.1 ready with 12V-2*6 connector
⚡ LLC MPS1213 Chipset optimizes LLC resonant circuit for high efficiency at all loads
⚡ UP3861 Chip ensures stable 3.3V and 5V outputs with reduced ripple noise
⚡ MPS6924 Chip boosts efficiency via optimized synchronous rectification
⚡ 105℃ Japanese bulk capacitors ensure long life and stable output
⚡ Quiet, temperature-controlled axial fan for efficient cooling
⚡ Seven protection levels: OTP, OCP, SCP, OVP, UVP, OPP, SIP
⚡ Black flat copper output cables for efficient power delivery
⚡ SMT-produced components for fast heat dissipation and stabilitySKU: GAMEMAX GX-1250 PRO BK -
Case Fan, Cooling, GAMEMAX
⚡【Intelligent Speed Control】120mm full function ARGB PWM fans
⚡ The intelligent temperature controls the speed at 800~1600±10% RPM, by linking to the motherboard PWM 4pin socket, so the fan speed auto controlled and keeps the fans quiet
⚡ These fans are 3pin 5v ARGB connectors that connect with ARGB control HUB one by one
⚡【Inner And Outer Light】Addressable RGB LEDs can be controlled by ARGB remote controller, Multiple ARGB light modes and speeds, provide colorful streamer lighting effects
⚡ Creating a practical and beautiful cooling system
⚡ You also can turn on / off the fan light effect and switch the fan hub ARGB signal to the motherboard 5V ARGB port by AURA Sync Mode
⚡【Shockproof Design】The fan frame is fixed on both sides with 8 pieces of shock-absorbing rubber pads
⚡ The rubber soft material which is not easy to peel off has a good shock-absorbing effect, which can make the internal operation of the computer case stable and reduce the noise output between the fan and the computer case
⚡ The maximum noise of the fan is only 31dBA
⚡【Reverse Blade of Fan】 Reverse Fan Blade for Power Supply Shroud /Bottom plate of Case for Air Intakes, to additional increase airflow from bottom to vertical chassis design type.SKU: 6931858791342 -
Case Fan, Cooling, GAMEMAX
GameMax FN12A-C8I-R, Reverse 120mm Black frame ARGB Fan, -Reverse Fan Blade for Power Supply Shroud /Bottom plate of Case for Air Intakes!
⚡【Intelligent Speed Control】120mm full function ARGB PWM fans
⚡ The intelligent temperature controls the speed at 800~1600±10% RPM, by linking to the motherboard PWM 4pin socket, so the fan speed auto controlled and keeps the fans quiet
⚡ These fans are 3pin 5v ARGB connectors that connect with ARGB control HUB one by one
⚡【Inner And Outer Light】Addressable RGB LEDs can be controlled by ARGB remote controller, Multiple ARGB light modes and speeds, provide colorful streamer lighting effects
⚡ Creating a practical and beautiful cooling system
⚡【Shockproof Design】The fan frame is fixed on both sides with 8 pieces of shock-absorbing rubber pads
⚡ The rubber soft material which is not easy to peel off has a good shock-absorbing effect, which can make the internal operation of the computer case stable and reduce the noise output between the fan and the computer case
⚡ The maximum noise of the fan is only 31dBA
⚡【Reverse Blade of Fan】 Reverse Fan Blade for Power Supply Shroud /Bottom plate of Case for Air Intakes, to additional increase airflow from bottom to vertical chassis design type.SKU: 6931858791335 -
The Vista COC AB ATX Mid-Tower Gaming Case features a 262° panoramic view, patented COC cooling, 5 ARGB fans, and a sleek design with a modular layout for flexible builds.
⚡ 262° Panoramic View: High-transparency tempered glass panels showcase hardware from multiple angles.
⚡ Patented COC Cooling: 12cm temperature-controlled fan ensures stability during intense gaming and overclocking.
⚡ 5 ARGB Fans: Infinite loop lighting for a captivating visual effect.
⚡ Elegant Design: Minimalist geometric design with RGB accents.
⚡ Modular Layout: Supports ATX/M-ATX/ITX, 155mm CPU coolers, 330mm GPUs, and versatile HDD/SSD configurations.SKU: 6931858775908 -
The Vista COC AW ATX Mid-Tower Gaming Case features a 262° panoramic view, patented COC cooling, 5 ARGB fans, and a sleek design with a modular layout for flexible builds.
⚡ 262° Panoramic View: High-transparency tempered glass panels showcase hardware from multiple angles.
⚡ Patented COC Cooling: 12cm temperature-controlled fan ensures stability during intense gaming and overclocking.
⚡ 5 ARGB Fans: Infinite loop lighting for a captivating visual effect.
⚡ Elegant Design: Minimalist geometric design with RGB accents.
⚡ Modular Layout: Supports ATX/M-ATX/ITX, 155mm CPU coolers, 330mm GPUs, and versatile HDD/SSD configurations.SKU: GAMEMAX Vista COC AW -
Cooling, CPU Liquid Cooler, GAMEMAX
GAMEMAX IceChill 240V White
Liquid CoolerFEATURE
GameMax IceBurg 240V Digital WH Liquid CPU Cooler
⚡ Stylish All-White Design: Enhances aesthetics and promotes a clean, minimalist look.
⚡ ARGB Lighting Sync: Customizable ARGB lighting seamlessly syncs with your motherboard for a vibrant, personalized display.
⚡ Intelligent PWM Fan Control: Automatically adjusts fan speed based on CPU temperature for optimal cooling and reduced noise.
⚡ Superior Cooling Performance: Features an efficient cold plate, copper base, and optimized fans for maximum heat dissipation.
⚡ Wide Compatibility & Durability: Compatible with various CPU sockets and built with high-quality materials for long-lasting performance.SKU: IC240V-W -
Cooling, CPU Liquid Cooler, GAMEMAX
GAMEMAX IceChill 240V Black
Liquid CoolerFEATURE
GameMax IceChill 240V, Liquid CPU Cooler 240mm Addressable RGB PWM Pump Fans 250W TDP AIO Water Cooler for Intel LGA1851/1700/1200/115X AMD AM5/AM4
⚡ Addressable RGB Sync: The Addressable RGB lighting on the fans and pump can sync with the motherboard via a 5V 3pin interface, providing even and rich illumination
⚡ Dual PWM Fans: The speed of dual PWM fans can be auto-adjusted according to the CPU temperature, providing better airflow and lower noise
⚡ (Note: The PWM mode must be set in BOIS before liquid cooler operation, otherwise the fan will run at a fixed speed of full speed or low speed)
⚡ Better Cooling Performance: With a more efficient cold plate, spraying copper bottom, proprietary pump, and fans optimized for static pressure to make sure excellent heat transfer from CPU
⚡ Industrial Grade Seal High Industrial Grade EPDM material to strengthen the seal for improved longevity and Anti-Leaking
⚡ ROTATABLE BLOCKHEAD – Features a 270° rotatable water block with the GameMax logo in ARGB as well as Addressable RGB fans for multiple lighting effects
⚡ Wide Compatibility: Intel LGA 1851/1700/1200/2066/2011-3/2011/1156/1155/1151/1150, AMD AM5/AM4/AM3+/AM3/AM2+/FM2+/FM2
⚡ (Note: No AMD backplate in the package, The AMD must be installed with the original bracket of the motherboard)SKU: 6931858791502
BOX2S, Box2s Hubs, 最新產品
Box2s HD-4K2R
4K 6合1 傳輸 Hub6 IN 1 USB C HUB
- USB 6合1 傳輸擴展器
- 4K @60Hz UHD 高清輸出
- USB 插槽皆兼容 USB 3.2 Gen1
- USB 3.2 5Gbps 快速傳輸
- 輕量化設計, 小巧易携
- 4K HDMI (60Hz) x 1
- USB C (PD3.0 100W) x 1
- USB A (3.2 Gen1) x 1
- USB A (USB 2.0) x 1
- TF Card x 1
- SD Card x 1
- 適合 UltraBook/MAC/PC/平板/手機 都能使用
- USB風扇/USB照明燈/打印機/隨身碟/讀卡器多樣使用
- 原裝行貨 , 一年保養
SKU: 8397862381861 -